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Pop-up Peekaboo! Unicorn
by DK

Beautiful unicorns

Rooster's Off To See The World
by Eric Carle

Home is a good place

Never Let You Go
by Chevy Stevens

Great book, she always has a great twist at the end

Day Of Deception
by John Hagee

This was one of the scariest books I have read. It was published in 1997. There was already corruption in rhe all levels of government

Simplify your life
by Elaine St. James

Very good. I even took notes!! I need to purge stuff.

Whatever It Takes
by Dub Jackson

From a boy in a small Texas town, to a pilot id a P-38 in Ww 2, to a Seminary Student ro a missionary in Japan to skating up a worldwide evangelism foundation, Dub has done it all. He was very dedicated to Christ and served him well in all capacities coverting thousands of Japanese to Christ and later on, many other countries. What an inspiring book.

Alzhiemers Through the Stages
by Molly Moller

Great book explaining Alzhiemers, the Stages to expect and how the caregiver needs to take time for themselves. Highly recommend this book.

The court of thorns and roses
by Sarah J. Maas

Good book, love the genre

The Last Sister
by Kendra Elliot

Good book, good twist at the end

Hiding In The Light
by Rifqa Bary

Amazing story of a Muslim teenager who converts from Muslim to Christiany. Once her patents find out she is threatened with her life. The trials of legal issues and physical health issues, she survives through the continual faith in Christ.
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